Website Disclaimer


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This website of the Town of Gordon in Douglas County, Wisconsin, is not intended by this municipality to be a source for legal or professional advice.  None of the content in this Website will form any part of any contract or agreement between the municipality and any user or constitute any type of offer by this municipality to any person.
This municipality accepts no responsibility for and excludes all civil or criminal liability in connection with any user browsing this Website and for the user using the information or downloading any materials from it, including, but not limited to, any liability for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or misleading or defamatory statements.
All content and information at this Website might be changed, updates, and may also make changes or improvements at any time, without notice.





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This is the official website for the Town of Gordon, Douglas County, Wisconsin.

Copyright © 2019. All Rights Reserved | Designed by Lynn Koalska